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Farewell to SweCham’s Outgoing Executive Director, Dr. Pojanath Bhatanacharoen

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27 Sept 2024

After six years of dedicated service as the Executive Director of the Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce (Swecham), Dr. Pojanath has now resigned to continue her career in Taiwan. 


During her six-year tenure as the Executive Director, Dr. Pojanath has been instrumental in enhancing the business and industrial ties between Sweden and Thailand.  Her dedicated efforts have greatly contributed to strengthening Swedish trade relations in the region and supported the Thai-Swedish business community.  Through her vision and initiative, numerous successful projects and partnerships focused on sustainability, education, and business networking were established, promoting closer economic collaboration and shared prosperity between the two nations. 

Dr. Pojanath’s leadership has brought SweCham to new heights in digitalisation and office process improvements, among other achievements. She has also set an excellent example for employees and stakeholders with her high ambitions and ability to multitask in a fast-paced environment.  As a Chamber, we are now well-prepared to continue for another 35 years, ready to embrace any challenges and opportunities that arise. 


Thank you, Dr. Pojanath, for six incredible years.  We wish you the very best in Taiwan and in all your future endeavours. 

Please stay in touch—Taipei isn’t that far away! 👋

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