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Farewell to our media and communication intern, Rin!

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3 Mar 2025

SweCham wishes to express sincere appreciation to Rinrada Chamjitt, or Rin, for her valuable contributions as our Media and Communication Intern. Her support was instrumental to the team and the Chamber. Rin actively participated in the operational aspects of several significant events, notably the January and February SweCham Business Connect 2025, and the Prime Minister’s Address Luncheon 2025, in collaboration with Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand and other foreign chambers of commerce. Furthermore, she capably managed the Education and Career Days projects, effectively disseminating information about Swedish education and culture to our community. 

The Chamber greatly values Rin's contributions during her internship and believes that the experiences she gained during her time will prompt and equip her with essential skills for her future career path. We extend our best wishes for her future professional endeavors. 

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