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Do you need help navigating your way around Intellectual Property Issues? The Thailand - IP Country Factsheet is now available

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15 Feb 2024

The new IP Factsheet Thailand, from the South-East Asia IP SME Helpdesk is now available.  The factsheet aims at providing essential help to companies.  Whether you're a small startup or an established SME enterprise, this resource will provide invaluable guidance for protecting and leveraging your IP assets in Thailand.  

The factsheet includes several different sections:  

  • The Facts: Business in Thailand for EU Companies,  

  • Background: IP in Thailand for SMEs 

  • The Basics: IPR in Thailand including specifics on Copyright, Patents, Design Patents, Trademarks, Geographical Indications (GIs), and Trade Secrets.   

  • Customs to Block Counterfeits  

  • How to enforce your Intellectual Property in Thailand. 

When dealing with your IP in Thailand, it is important to know that Thailand operates under a 'first-to-file' system, meaning that the first person to file the IP will own the rights to it once granted.  The factsheet will provide you with the additional information you might need to gain a competitive edge and ensure that your products are protected in the Thai market. 

Click here to read the factsheet

The South-East Asia IP SME Helpdesk offers free consultations to European SMEs looking to expand in the ASEAN.  To contact the SME Help desk please click on their logo:

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