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Collaboration between the academia and the industries towards sustainability

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10 Jul 2023

Big warm thanks to Dr Duangamol N. Tungasmita from the Department of Chemistry and Dr Sukkaneste Tungasmita (Sweden alumnus, Linköping University) from the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Science at Chulalongkorn University who visited SweCham on Thursday, 5 July.   

The meeting focused on the roles of the Swedish companies and the academia in promoting a sustainable future.  The discussions highlighted the importance of collaboration between the academia and the chemical industry for the future of sustainability within the electronics industry.  In an effort to speed up the transition to a sustainable future, the Faculty of Sciences at Chulalongkorn University is organising the Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences 2023 (EuAsC2) event in December.  This year’s event revolves around the theme of ‘Frontiers in Chemical Sciences for Sustainability,’ encompassing crucial discussion points such as green processes, Carbon Capture, Renewable energy, and Chemical and biosensors.  

During the meeting, we discussed the possibilities for SweCham and the industries to engage with the EuAsC2 event as well as fostering collaboration between the private sector and the academia.  Recognising the crucial role sustainability plays, we would like to emphasise the importance of a triple bottom line approach and the interconnectedness of economic, environmental, and social factors in achieving sustainable success. 

For more information about the Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences 2023 (EuAsC2) event: 

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